Distant chords as Art without borders

Mestrovic-Daleki akordiThis is the second year in a row that every month’s last Sunday students of Croatian music schools perform in Meštrović Gallery as a part of concert series called “Art without borders”.  This week we call everyone interested to this Sunday’s matinee but instead in Meštrović Gallery, final concert of international competition Daleki akordi (Distant chords) will take place on 26. April 2015. in 12.30h, Baletna škola, Kaštel Kambelovac, Don Frane Bege 1.
Instead of the previous home of a great sculptor, today called the Meštrović Gallery, by who’s sculpture (displayed in the image to the right) the competition Daleki akordi even got it’s name 20 years ago, there will be held a meeting of best European musicians in Baletna škola. Entrance is free.
We hope you will join this jubilee of art without borders.